It's strange how this blogging lark has seeped into my life. Not a lot of people know about it- i like the notion that it's almost my little secret and i use it to keep my creative spark smoldering. An Cathach started as an outlet for things that i found interesting; almost like an online journal. I find so many interesting and inspirational things (in my opinion anyway!) online but have a head like a sieve at times and it became a way of keeping track.
It was a bit of a surprise when i found myself twitching over the past 3 weeks with a lack of regular Internet access or a semblance of routine. I've started to scribble thoughts/ideas/inspirations in a notebook in an effort to prevent them from floating away!
My experience with blogging over the past few months has been brilliant; and as a result I've met some truly amazing people (both online and off) that i may have not had the privilege to know otherwise. I'm still amazed at the idea that someone may take the time to have a wander through my blog-Thank you for your comments and input!
I want to wish each and every person that reads this a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2009. Hopefully good things are in store
Onwards and Upwards my darlings!
Image via Through The Illusion
Thanks GOE, and same to you.
Yes blogging has become a very necessary-brain-sorting-out tool for me since I started. Don't care my friends call me bloggeek ;)
Good luck in Canada, was thinking of doing the same myself next year...let us know your thougths on the land of maple...
oooh you're back! now I can do the happy dance.
My sentiments exactly.
Happy Christmas & have a great New Year GoE.
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