It's hard for me to believe this is 11 years old. Sinead Lohan released her second album 'No Mermaid' and it became one of my favourite albums of 1998. She appears to have withdrawn from public view as her website hasn't been updated since 2001.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Days Are Only What We Make Them
Monday, March 30, 2009
Between The Lines

I was introduced to the work of artist William Holland when he sent a friends request on MySpace about 3 years ago. I started to follow his work and was amazed at how simple and beautiful it is. Based in Omaha, Nebraska he has 2 passions: art and working as a CNA and rehab tech which involves aiding individuals who have suffered a spinal cord or brain injury regain independence.
He uses pen, ink and paint and armed with a rich imagination he creates pieces that are at times quirky and surreal. I like how simple and uncluttered some of his work is, the simple use of lines and effective use of colour enhance the pieces. I think sometimes it can be easy to do too much to a drawing, with lines and color making a piece ‘busy’. Not in this case.
His website is still under construction but he can be contacted via williamrobertholland [aT] gmail [DOT] com or at his Myspace or Facebook pages in the meantime.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009
History Underfoot

These images are the the work of Sergei Larenkov. They appear to feature the city of St Petersburg,which was formerly known as Leningrad. The originals captured the city during the Siege of Leningrad.
He’s reshot World War 2-era photographs from their original perspectives; and then merged the results with the originals.
Via: Warren Ellis
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Making Mischief

To see a high definition version of the trailer check out:
The book:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

- Pronunciation: \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r\
- Function: noun
- Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough
- Date: 1501
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly
It's not pretty, is it? Neither is the state of the so called 'freedom of press' in Ireland. As i mentioned in this post it's not about the incident involving the paintings anymore. It's about how a national broadcasting body apologised, completely unnecessarily in my opinion, to a politician and his family for "any embarrassment caused" by a piece of news.
The apology wasn't issued because the information that was broadcast was inaccurate or untrue. RTE reported the facts as they stood-it was a legitimate story. It merely didn't sit well in the rotund belly of Mr Cowen. After a bout of informational indigestion a wobbly was thrown along with demands for the removal of the 'offending' images. If he'd had the sense to take the incident with a pinch of salt or in good humour; the chances are that it would have been forgotten in a few days.
By having a hissy fit and demanding the removal of the information that shows him in a less than flattering light; he really has shown what he thinks of the Irish people. Protecting his/Fianna Fáil's reputation and image (no pun intended) are seemingly top of the agenda. Are we not entitled to voice our opinions, be it on a TV station, newspaper or blog on how shoddily the government are dealing with the dire economic situation? Is the use of Satire offensive to him? Or does it sail over his head?

Is this the way information will be distributed in future? The government are terrified of being portrayed in a negative light hence RTE won't run any items which may question or offend the government. Should we just remain quiet and unquestioningly watch reruns of fair city whilst the country continues to fall to pieces. How does that work for you Mr Cowen?
RTE should have stood by their story instead of regularly editing the website, removing the video footage and photographs. The apology was the final straw. Y'know what? I want an apology from RTE for issuing an apology to Cowen. The money which pays the TV license fees and the taxes that pay the salaries of the politicians should give me enough of a right to throw some demands around. Do you think if i call them and express my opinions they'll put it on the 9 o'clock news?
Images via:
Laid Bare

Word filtered across the pond about this today, having made headlines in the US, Ireland and the UK. How i laughed at the true likeness depicted of our Taoiseach Brian 'Biffo' Cowen, as he leads our wonderful nation out of these troubled times.*Cough*
Fair play to those who shall remain anonymous ;p
Footage from RTE news co of Damien Mulley:
Update: RTE has shown itself to be a pathetic bunch of spineless arse holes. They have bowed down to Fianna Fail/Brian Cowen and apologised for the coverage. The video clip shown by Mulley(above) and any pictures have been hauled from the site after Cowen complained about the coverage of the painting. This makes me so angry. Tax payers money is good enough to fund RTE (the Irish national broadcaster) but at the slightest sign of a slap on the wrist from a politician they remove the 'offending' news.Would any other news organisation have done this (and i use the term loosely when referring to RTE)? It appears we're now being spoon fed whatever news is deemed acceptable to politicians. Shame on you.
Brian, there's a blindingly obvious reason why people are walking into galleries and taking the piss out of you. Your reaction to the incident speaks volumes. Maybe you, and your self serving shower of cohorts in the Irish Government can continue to bury your heads in the sand at the utter dissatisfaction and contempt with which Ireland holds you in. Hopefully not for much longer.
Monday, March 23, 2009

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist, photographer and sculptor who creates sculptures from organic found objects such as leaves,snow, rock and twigs. He is also an extremely talented rock balancing artist. Rock Balancing is literally the art of placing a combination of rock/stone in an arrangement which would naturally be impossible.

His work is situated in both rural and urban settings. He considers his creations transient and after creating a piece he photographs it. "My sculpture can last for days or a few seconds — what is important to me is the experience of making. I leave all my work outside and often return to watch it decay. "

His work could be placed under the genre of 'Land Art' , which is an art movement that emerged in the America in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In land art the landscape and the work of art are linked. In most cases the landscape itself is the catalyst of a piece and provides the materials for an artist to work with. Art in this area is usually out in the open and as a result will be changed, shaped, destroyed or eroded by wind, rain, sun and frost.

For some work, he uses his bare hands, teeth, and found tools to prepare and arrange the materials such as twigs, stone, leaves and flowers. He doesn't use glue to hold pieces together, he utalizes ice or mud instead. For his permanent sculptures like "Roof", "Stone River" and "Three Cairns" he has also used machine tools. To create the piece "Roof" (Top image), Goldsworthy worked with a number of dry-stone wallers to make ensure it was structurally sound and would withstand time and nature.

Top Image via:
Other Images: copyright © Andy Goldsworthy
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Currently rocking my world with their infectiously fizzy mixture of squelchy blips, dirty beats and tongue in cheek references to a sexual act: Fagget Fairy's. The FF's are Carla Cammilla (Beats) and Ena Carli Cosovic (Vocals), a dynamic duo who say that "Fagget Fairy's are an explosive cocktail of Islam, lesbianism, true love, and relentless beats."
Yugoslavian-born Ena met Carla Cammilla Hjort (aka DJ Sensimilla) who was DJing in a Copenhagen nightclub. In an attempt to impress, Ena stage dived from the DJ booth right onto a beer bottle, leading to 15 stitches and a busted knee. Despite the fact that Cammilla was already in a relationship and factoring Ena's Muslim upbringing, their love for each other and for music prevailed.
After the release of an EP in 2007 and multiple live dates, their debut album 'Feed The Horse' is pencilled for release on March 30th. It was recorded and produced in New York City; with Grammy award winning Rasmus Bille Bähncke as lead producer side by side with Carla.
Music : Fedaden
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Are Matt Stone and Trey Parker ( the creators of South Park) fans of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem? Is this where the inspiration for Timmy's catchphrase came from? (see the 0.21, 0.34,0.47 and 1 min mark of The Clancy Brothers clip to see what i'm talking about )
Cheers Padre!
Friday, March 13, 2009

Dee+Nad: Yis are stars, Much Love! x
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
He has expanded on the concept with The Museum Of Modern Art (MoMA). Hoffmann worked with MoMA members and staff to create short (and quirky) films based on their ideas and experiences in and around the Museum. There are seven in this particular series and are an insight to different worlds contained within the museum, and the people that frequent it.
To watch more of the 30 seconds of MoMA:
To find out more about Thilo Hoffman:http: //
To find out more about MoMA:
Friday, March 06, 2009
Vena Cava

Diamanda Galás
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thanks to Ent for pointing me in the direction of a piece the New York Times did for their online magazine recently. The piece features photography by Paolo Pellegrin and audio commentaries by Lynn Hirschberg that go with each group of photos. The people featured are Kate Winslet, Frank Langella, Robert Downey Jr., Sean Penn, Kat Dennings, Mickey Rourke, Penelope Cruz and Brad Pitt. Pellegrin followed some of the biggest stars of the film world in the run up to the Oscars and captured some really beautiful candid shots. Definitely worth a look.
To see more of Paolo Pellegrins photography: Magnum Photos
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Vancouver Art Box Show Scam

The Vancouver Art Box show was held at the Autumn Brook Gallery in Vancouver BC on the 30th of December 2008. It was set up and promoted by "Shawn Findley" and his girlfriend. The idea was to supposedly promote new and upcoming art talent while donating 10% of the proceeds to Gallery Gachet; a not-for-profit co-op that provides artists informed by mental health issues with opportunities to exhibit, curate, perform, read, teach and to develop their leadership skills.
According to the Vancouver Art Box Show website:
1. Artists pick up premade wooden boxes 2-3 weeks before the show
2. They create artwork using whatever methods they wish
3. We have a big show with ~ 200 boxes being made by various artists
4. Visitors mingle and peruse all the artwork, priced at $100 each!
5. Feel good about supporting the artistic community
6. Purchase original artwork at a very reasonable price

The payment never arrived as the organizer appears to have fled, possibly with all the money from the show. Mr Findley who according to his facebook profile, hails from Austin, Texas. He has not responded to any communications enquiring about the status of the money raised from the show.
This concerns me as it will have an effect on anyone genuinely trying to put a show together, either to help emerging artists or to raise money for organizations. It isn't the typical behavior displayed in the Vancouver art community, where most people operate with integrity, goodwill and faith. The police have been contacted and i would advise anyone who participated, attended or bought art on the night to spread the word, contact the police or join the facebook page below to support the artists.
Olfaction Meets Warrior Queen

Coco Chanel
Boudicca (also spelt Boadicea and Boudica) was born around AD 30 and was a queen of the Iceni tribe of what is East Anglia in England. She led an uprising of the tribes against the occupying forces of the Romans in ancient Britain. It is speculated that she was actually named Boudiga after the Celtic goddess of Victory by her Iceni followers, but the Romans called her Boudicca. Her appearance was reportedly that of a tall, strong woman with waist length red hair.
Her husband was Prasutagus, king of the Iceni, an ancient tribe.When the Romans conquered southern England in AD 43, Prasutagus was allowed to continue his rule. Everywhere else was under roman rule. When Prasutagus died he left the vast majority of his estate to the roman empire. He left a small portion to Boudicca and their 2 daughters Camorra and Tasca. The Romans did not recognise the rights of women having power or having daughters as heirs. . When Boudicca protested this the Romans are said to have stripped and flogged her in public and as a final insult raped her 2 daughters who were about 12 years old. They then decided to impose power on the Iceni and treated the people as slaves.

They marched onwards where her troops finally clashed with the Roman forces at an unknown location. Despite the Romans being outnumbered by almost 20 to 1, it was not enough for the Britons to overcome sophisticated roman weapons and battle techniques. Boudicca is said to have survived the final battle and decided to ingest hemlock, a poisonous plant rather than be subjected to the humiliation of capture by the triumphant Romans.
Wode was released in 2008 and is the first perfume by Boudicca. Boudicca is a UK fashion label founded by Zowie Broach and Brian Kirkby. Named after Woad, a plant that is used to produce a blue dye. Legend has it that the ancient Britons and Picts used a blue paint or pigment when going into battle as it gave them a fearsome and mystical appearance.
The fragrance was developed by legendary perfumer Geza Schoen and contains notes of Hemlock, Juniper, Cardamon, Raw Opium, Nutmeg, Clary Sage, Coriander, Angelica Root, Saffron, Tonka Bean, Styrax resin, Amber and Treemoss. It's available in 2 versions: an eau de toilette which is slightly lighter and when sprayed on the skin it turns a bright cobalt blue which then fades and becomes transparent. The eau de parfum is more intense due to a higher concentration of oils and doesn't have any blue coloring.
It's smells quite 'green' to begin with and i was unsure if it was something I'd wear regularly. However once it settles on the skin it evolves into a unique scent (on my skin it smells quite warm and sensual). I purchased mine from LuckyScent as they have an amazing selection of non mainstream fragrances and they also do samples if you're unsure like i was.
The Rebellion of Boudicca(Documentary)
Books & Literature
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I'm starting to delve deeper and explore the Vancouver music scene (both new and established acts). If you have any suggestions regarding bands or musicians feel free to add a comment below or drop me a line. One of the bands that's been brought to my attention is Mother Mother. The 5 piece band (originally a trio) started in 2005 and have released 2 albums to date: 2007's 'Touch Up' and 2008's 'O My Heart'. Producing music that's a mishmash of pop/rock, they have established a wide fan base across Canada and the US aided by regular touring. 'O My Heart' has been on constant replay over the past few days due to infectious melodies and deft harmonization. They're currently on tour and you can check out upcoming show dates on their site below.
Sunday, March 01, 2009