I am lusting after these neon lamps by Roger Borg.
These are made by bending cut off scraps of neon from other projects, and result in beautiful freestanding lamps. He says that "although i have retained the traditional contours of a lamp shade, i have reversed its function. Whereas previously its illumination would have been dependent upon an interior light source, its present form sheds that need."
"Light is dispersed not from its interior, but from its exterior. the contours of the lamp shade are responsible for producing light, rather than concealing it. there is longer a need for an interior bulb. The bulb is the shape. The shape is the light. "
Borg also paints and sculpts and uses bright colours to stunning effect. Check out more of his lamp and other art on his site:
Wow. These are super cool.
I know,they're cool. I'm tempted to email him for a price list.
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