I am completely smitten with the work of Irish artist Eleanor McCaughey. I've been keeping an eye on her output over the past few years and her work has evolved incredibly in this time. Her portraits display intricate detail and have a luminous quality. She has a knack of being able to capture the essence or likeness of her subjects. She works mainly with oil, acrylic and watercolour paint.

Eleanor graduated with a certificate in Classical Animation and a Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design from Ballyfermot College in 2001. Having worked in the field of Computer Graphics for four years she wanted to learn more traditional skills. Hence she joined the Academy of Figurative art, Dublin in 2005 and took classes in traditional oil painting.

In 2006 Eleanor moved to Vancouver BC, Canada where she exhibited in a number of group shows. She is currently living in Dublin.

I recently asked her a few questions about her art, and influences.
"So many artists have influenced me; my all time favourite artists are Mark Ryden and Jonathan Viner. Their work is quite surreal but really nicely painted...I receive a monthly mag called Juxtapoz which keeps me inspired, it’s usually packed full of really great stuff."
Are there any particular spaces that you find inspiring?
I guess I draw inspiration from everything and everywhere really!
What inspires you to make art and what keeps you motivated when things are difficult?
I get such a great feeling when I see amazing art and listen to a great album....it just makes me want to paint. When things get tough I usually read lots of interviews with artists I admire, i realise its pretty tough for everyone. If it's something you really want to do you've got to hang in there and just give it your best shot. I also moan to my boyfriend a lot; he's usually amazing at encouraging me!
Describe your art in 4 words.
All over the place!
What is your ultimate goal as an artist?
My ultimate goal would be to make a living out of my art without having to have a part time job and to exhibit in NYC.

To see more of her work and contact details: http://www.myspace.com/eleanorspaintings
This stuff is amazing! Such detail!!! She deserves to go very far indeed.
I really like her work K8, and hope that she'll receive the kudos she deserves.I'm also curious as to how her work will develop as time goes on
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