My usually robust immune system appears to have short circuited in the past month, leaving me with one cold and one flu in the space of 3 weeks. Actually to call it a flu wouldn't really do it justice, my attempts to stave it off with zinc, vitamins, Neocitran, healthy food and lots of rest has done little to stem the sneezing and sweating. Charming eh? I guess in a way, it has a positive side as I'm currently zonked on my couch wrapped in a blanket and catching up on blog stuff and terrible television (What??! My brain cells can't handle anything intellectual right now). Oh and let's just say that 'The Plexus Series' by Gabriel Dawe looks positively psychedelic when you're taking flu medication!

Dawe was born in Mexico City where vibrant color was imprinted on his psyche from an early age. In 2000 he wanted to travel and decided to move to Montreal where he worked as a graphic designer. It was during this time that he began experimenting, creating artwork which led to him to explore textiles, weaving and embroidery. Traditionally in Mexico, these activities were associated with women and generally men were not encouraged to participate.
Dawe lived in Canada until 2007 where he gained dual citizenship as a Mexican-Canadian, his art then took him to Texas where he began an MFA in Arts and Technology at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Plexus Series consists of large-scale installations made with Gütermann thread "creating environments that deal with notions of social constructions and their relation to evolutionary theory and the self-organizing force of nature."
Dawe lived in Canada until 2007 where he gained dual citizenship as a Mexican-Canadian, his dedication then took him to Texas where he began an MFA in Arts and Technology at the University of Texas at Dallas. His work has been exhibited in Dallas, Houston, Montreal, Toronto and Barcelona.

1 comment:
This is awesome!!!! Completely fallen in love with this (ha... looks psychedelic when you're taking flu medication - love it!).
Aoife x
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