Ah Craigslist, a source of all things weird, wonderful and at times, illegal. If you have the room to accommodate a half ton wine rack, a spare $7,000 and the ability to transport it from its Phoenix, AZ location you can't go wrong with this masterpiece. Used transmission parts from auto mobiles and motorcycles were welded together to create a 6 foot high robot/transformer style sculpture which doubles as a wine rack.
The parts were dipped into a solution to neutralize and remove any oil, grime, or corrosive chemicals. The piece was painted gun metal grey and clear coated. It has blue LED lights that have been wired into the body along the leg, torso and the top of the shoulder.
This would make a great addition to my living room...whilst scaring the snot out of any animals/children that venture past my front door!
Posting can be found here (keep in mind it's CL and therefore posting may be expired/deleted)
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